Category: Resources

CSG Comments in Support of Huntington Metro Site-Specific Plan Amendment

CSG writes to convey our support for the Huntington Metro Station plan amendment, which lays the groundwork to transform the Huntington Metro station area into an inclusive, walkable, bike-friendly, transit-oriented community. One important recommendation we have for the plan is to include language that the County will work with WMATA to provide needed public funding for the transit center to ensure the redevelopment can move forward. 

TESTIMONY: Support for 310 mixed income homes in Friendship Heights DC, Case No. 96-13A

We wish to express our support for Case No. 96-13A. The applicant proposes to redevelop the existing building used for retail, into a 12-story, 130-foot mixed-use building consisting of ground floor retail space and approximately 310 rental apartments.

PW Digital Gateway Environmental Coalition Opposition Letter

We, the undersigned thirty (30) organizations, write to you today regarding Comprehensive Plan Amendment #CPA2021-00004, the PW Digital Gateway. On behalf of our millions of members and supporters in Prince William County, the Commonwealth of Virginia, and nationwide, we urge you to vote “No” on this proposal.